Why You Need A Holistic Health Coach


First of all, let’s start by defining what a health coach is. A holistic health coach guides you to reach your health and life goals by making step-by-step changes to your food and lifestyle, at a pace you feel comfortable with.

Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, I want to explain why having a health coach is one of the most beneficial resources you can add to your life. Health coaches aren’t some exclusive LA trend that are only for rich people. My entire purpose of becoming a coach is to make health and wellness accessible for everyone.

So, here are a few reasons why you should consider hiring one.

Nutrition and health information can be overwhelming.
There’s so much information these days with all the different books, online resources, and health leaders/influencers. And the best part is they all say different theories or reasons why their way of thinking is correct. Sometimes there is science to back it and sometimes these beliefs are dated concepts that people can’t shake. As a health coach I can help you clear through the clutter, and explain the ivory tower that nutrition has become. There is no one size fits all approach to health, and no one will know your body better than yourself. With my guidance, you can decide what works best for you, your lifestyle, and your body.

You want to get healthy, but you don’t know where to start.
Beginning your health journey can be daunting. As mentioned, there is so much information out in the universe, it’s hard to keep up. Most trendy diets can help you lose a couple pounds at first, but 9 times out of 10 you will gain it back. Or, maybe your problem is you’ve been out of the gym so long the thought of going gives you a panic attack. When working with clients, I meet them where they are. I start by introducing new foods into their diet instead of restricting them and build upon it. I help you get back into shape by motivating you to start moving your body any way you feel comfortable, and eventually you will feel confident to hit the gym once again. My goal with every client is to create sustainable habits that they will carry with them for life - no restrictions, just educated decisions.

You need help getting clear on your goals, and getting to the root problem.
Ok, so now you’ve decided you want to be healthier. I want to know why? Digging deep and figuring out the why is so important. If you don’t have real motivation, then what will make this go around different than the last time you tried to lose weight? I have all my clients set tangible goals for different stages of the program to provide inspiration, help figure out what does and doesn't work for them, and keep them on track. If something doesn't align with your goals, then is it really worth it? And why does this goal even matter? These are just a few of the questions I ask my clients.

You need accountability.
This is arguably the most important thing I provide my clients - having someone to hold you accountable for your actions changes everything. I check in with my clients twice a month, and I ask them everything they did and ate between our sessions. I don’t hold any judgement, but having to report all this information to someone definitely impacts their decisions. During one of my many failed attempts to lose weight, I would sneak “bad” food under the pretense that no one would know. Well, now someone will and they’re going to give you tough love (that person is me).

Being healthy isn’t just about what you eat.
This is where that “holistic” aspect comes into play. Of course what you eat plays a key role in your health, but it’s not the only thing that matters. You could eat salads for every meal, but if you are overly stressed, not sleeping, or generally ignoring your mental health you are never going to lose weight. With my practice, I look at all the various aspects of your life and encourage you to take a deeper look at each of them. How are your relationships? What’s going on with your career? Do you feel joy every day? These can all have a huge impact on your wellbeing and can even lead to serious health issues if things are out of balance. Together, we get to the root of the problem and fix it instead of just putting a giant bandaid over it and moving on.

Your health coach will be your personal cheerleader.
When I decided to take my health seriously I was fortunate to have my partner support and join me. Not everyone is lucky enough to have that! It takes time for the results to come through, and that can feel discouraging. Your health coach is there to keep you motivated on your journey, provide inspiration, and be your shoulder to lean on. I keep detailed notes of every session, and I love to note major improvements and break throughs with my clients. You may think no one is noticing all the hard work you are putting in, but I 100% will!

Health coaches fill the gaps within the health care system.
Have you ever been to the doctor and they tell you something is off, for example maybe your cholesterol is a little high, and then they follow it up with “just eat healthy and exercise”?! That’s it?? No direction, no insight, nothing. As a health coach I want to provide you with the information your doctor doesn't have the time to give you. I am by no means a medical provider, nor do I want to act as a replacement. Instead I’m more of a supplement. If your doctor tells you that you are pre diabetic, then I can help you work on your diet, stress, and exercise and safely guide you back to optimal health. I believe that food is medicine, so that should be the first thing you turn to when things go wrong vs. prescriptions.

All in all, a health coach is really a therapist and resource of nutrition information all in one. As mentioned it’s my personal mission not only to make health accessible, but to show just how easy it is to make better every day choices. The results are undeniable when you stick with it. You may hire a health coach to lose weight, but you will leave with more energy, enthusiasm, and a deeper understanding of yourself.

Everyone is so different, so I don’t have one specific plan that I apply to every client. Instead I provide you with the tools and knowledge to decide what works for you. Together, you will develop sustainable new habits, a new mindset, and a practice that gives you purpose.

So, are you convinced you need a health coach yet?! If you are interested in working together you can schedule a FREEEEEEEEE consultation before any commitment required. Might as well check it out and see for yourself!


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