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What people are saying.

  • "Melissa encouraged me to dig deeper into the “why” when I presented her with my goals, which really helped me focus when making healthy choices. I think other “health kicks” or “diets” have been unsuccessful for me because I only thought of the physical aspect (how I wanted to look) instead of the mental aspect (how I wanted to feel about myself). She taught me to be kind to myself on this journey and most importantly, ENJOY creating new, healthy habits!"

    — Annie B.

  • “Melissa is a person who has accomplished living a realistic healthy lifestyle and shares her knowledge with enthusiasm. It’s not easy! I went from a person who pretended she was too tired to eat anything besides spaghetti to holding myself accountable to making nutritious decisions every meal a day. My relationship with food has done a complete 180 and not only do I feel better but I also have developed a love for cooking. I am extremely grateful for Melissa’s guidance!”

    — Katie K.

  • “As my coach, Melissa helped me reach my goals by providing structure and accountability, sending meal plans, and encouraging me. After falling off the wagon over summer, she helped me build healthy routines that I could stick to and follow. I would recommend her to anyone looking to get back into a healthy routine or create one for the first time.”

    — Dani L.

  • “My focus shifted from strictly weight loss to self-love and now I feel like I have the tools to live healthier, more well rounded life. Through working with Melissa I’ve regained control of my days by implementing a schedule and daily routine, including taking time for myself to work out and mediate. Melissa helped me reignite my love for cooking by inspiring me with so many delicious recipes. She also helped inspire me to make better and healthier food choices.”

    — Arianna V.