Primal Kitchen Buffalo Chicken Drumsticks


I seriously love bar food - it’s basically the only way you can get me to watch sports. One of my favorite things to order is chicken wings. There’s something about eating that chicken wing dunked in ranch that really gets me going!

Of course, as much as I may love bar food it sadly doesn’t love me back. Enter Primal Kitchen. You may be sick of me raving about their products, but let me tell you, they are worth the hype! Everything tastes just as good as it’s unhealthy counterpart and the products are made from the cleanest ingredients. No sugar, soy, or inflammatory vegetable/seed oils. So naturally I had to make my favorite bar order using their buffalo sauce.

Here’s how you make it.


  • 1.5 lbs chicken drumsticks or wings

  • 4-5 tablespoons Primal Kitchen Buffalo sauce

  • Primal Kitchen spray avocado oil

  • Salt & pepper


  • Preheat the oven to 400. Pat the chicken dry and spray with the avocado oil. Season both sides with salt and pepper.

  • Bake in the oven for 30 mins, flipping half way through. If you want crispier skin place under the broiler for 3-5 minutes. Brush on both sides with the Buffalo sauce, and enjoy!

If you want to try any Primal Kitchen products (trust me you do), you can use my code “FEEDYOURBELLY” for a 10% discount on their site.


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