Basic Guide For Balancing Hormones

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There is a lot of hype around hormones, and how to balance them. Hormones being too high or low can impact your mood, your body’s ability to gain or lose weight, and can even lead to autoimmune diseases. To be completely honest, there is still so much information about hormones that I am still learning. However, I wanted to share a simple overview on them and how to naturally keep them in check. Like the title says this is a basic guide, but it’s a great starting point for inquiring minds.

Hormones are chemical substances that secrete into the blood, which carries them to various organs and tissues throughout the body to perform their purpose. Essentially they little messengers that control and coordinate activity in our bodies.

We have over 50 hormones in our bodies that have so many important functions. Below I’ve highlighted a few that I find to be the most important when discussing weight & stress management .

  • Cortisol is the stress hormone, and when it's constantly elevated it can cause you to gain weight. Ways to help balance it include exercise, limiting caffeine & alcohol, having a regular sleep schedule, meditation, spending time outside daily, avoiding processed foods.

  • Insulin is disrupted by overconsuming sugar (carbs are the same thing). Sugar turns into glucose, aka fuel for the body, and has to be allowed into our cells by the hormone insulin, which is produced by the pancreas. When we ingest too much sugar our cells are constantly exposed to high levels of insulin. Eventually, the cells desensitize themselves to it and become insulin resistant. This is how diseases such as diabetes develop, and it also leads to weight gain.

  • Leptin is connected to fat and weight gain. Leptin is released to let your brain know when the body is full. Too much leptin can lead to obesity. Leptin is elevated by not getting enough sleep, being stressed, or eating ultra processed foods. You can fix it by eating more fiber, limiting sugar and processed carbs, adding protein + omega 3s into your diet, sleep, and exercise.

  • Melatonin is naturally produced by the body to help us sleep. It can be disrupted when you are taking melatonin supplements. You can balance melatonin by limiting your use of technology at night, wearing blue light blockers, relaxing at night, and getting enough natural light in the day.

  • Serotonin is responsible for our mood. It can be found in the brain and gut, so that's why it's so important to feed your gut healthy bacteria! You can do this by eating probiotic & prebiotic foods - think anything fermented, and foods like onions and asparagus. Making sure you are getting enough sleep, amino acids from protein, exercise, and meditation will help with balancing serotonin.

The take aways?

  1. Have a consistent sleep schedule and make sure you are getting the full 7-8 hours each night. If you need tips on how to get a better night’s sleep you can check out my previous post here.

  2. Limit ultra processed foods, caffeine, and alcohol. Period.

  3. Exercise regularly. Get at least 30 minutes a day 4-5 days a week for maximum results.

  4. Go outside. The natural light and fresh air will help balance your carcadiam rhythm, help you sleep at night, and lower stress.

  5. Find ways to help relax and limit stress. It’s easier said than done, but it’s one of the most important things you can do for your health. Meditate, journal, go outside, take a bath, read a book - the list is endless. Be sure to not to turn to fast food and alcohol as a crutch!

Of course, if you think there is something truly off with your hormones do not hesitate to see a doctor or specialist in the subject. These are just the most basic ways to help keep hormone levels happy. However, you should definitely try these first and see if you can naturally fix the problem. You will only benefit from adapting these habits!


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