How To Get Back On Track After Vacation


So you went on a week long vacation. You ate out for every meal, had dessert every night, and drank every day. Now you are back at home and can’t seem to get out of the post vacation funk.

Well, first of all you are not a monster and there is nothing wrong with you. This happens to all of us after that kind of behavior. And you should 100% NOT feel guilty. We need vacation to unwind, let off steam, and treat ourselves! The important thing isn’t what you ate on the vacation, it’s important what you do after it.

Getting back into the swing of routine and eating healthy is extremely difficult for everyone. From a scientific stand point, you just were on a blood sugar roller coaster for a week! Over eating carbs, sugar, and overly processed foods will send your blood sugar soaring and crashing causing your hunger hormones to get out of balance. Your brain will literally be tricked into thinking it’s hungry even though you just had a full meal. Ever wonder why when you have pancakes for breakfast you feel hungry 1-2 hours later? It’s the same thing.

As I said earlier, you shouldn’t feel guilt about this, but you need to know when the party’s over. Here are my tips to get your hunger hormones back in check, and how to get out of a lethargic lazy state into eating vegetables and feeling good!

  1. Start with a plan.

    The best way to get back into a routine is by having one to start with! I like to create my grocery list before returning home so that I know exactly what I need and stick to only what’s on the list. It could be helpful to order your groceries to be delivered when you get home so everything is already there. This will also cut out the temptation of grabbing extra snacks. If that isn’t available to you, try having some easy meals prepared in the freezer before leaving town.

    If you are confused what meals to start with try using a meal plan as your guide. My 5 Day Detox Plan is fully designed to get your body’s natural detox systems optimally functioning. No starvation or juicing needed!

  2. Focus on nutrient dense whole foods.

    When people over eat their first though tends to be they need to starve themselves for a week. Absolutely do not do this! You need to listen to your body and eat when you are hungry, but fuel yourself with the correct foods. Focus on eating as many REAL whole foods as possible. When I say this I’m not referring to the store itself, rather fresh produce or meats in their true form. If it didn’t come from the earth or have a mother, don’t eat it! Even if something is “low-carb”, “keto friendly”, or “grain free” try to avoid it for the time being. This is the easiest way to get off the sugar train and rewire your body.

  3. Aim for protein, fat, and fiber at every meal.

    For my first meal at home, I really try to amp up my protein intake. Protein has zero effect on your blood sugar, and will keep you the most satiated of any macronutrient. Accompany the protein with a healthy fat and fiber. This is when I really lean into the Fab 4 Smoothie method - try adding an extra serving of protein powder to the smoothie or having a hard boiled egg in addition. If smoothies aren’t your thing, go for an omelet with spinach, avocado, and bacon. Yes, you can have bacon! Just make sure it’s low in sugar.

  4. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!

    It sounds so cliche, but hydration is really important. Not only will it help your body adjust to any jet lag you may have, but it will also aid the kidneys in their detox process. Chances are you didn’t drink enough water on your trip anyways (especially if you were drinking a lot). Try adding electrolytes to your water to help get your system back on track.

  5. Get moving.

    The only way to stop feeling lethargic is to get your muscles moving. There’s simply no way around it. However, you don’t need to rush into a HIIT work out! Start with some gentle yoga, or a nice walk. Exercising will help improve your insulin sensitivity, reduce stress, and enhance detoxification. In the words on Nike - JUST DO IT.

  6. Start cutting back while on vacation.

    Over the last 2-3 days of your trip, start trying to implement these steps. Take a morning walk to get back in the habit of movement. Add more vegetables to your meals when available and slowly cut back on the sugar. This will make it less of a drastic change when you get home!

  7. Get a good night sleep.

    Aim for at least 7-8 hours. Your body needs the time to process food, regulate your blood sugar, and control inflammation. Additionally, a lack of sleep causes your body to secrete more cortisol which will increase stress levels. Create a sleep schedule, and stick to it as best you can.

  8. Live in a positive mindset!

    The most important tip of all - don’t overly stress about it! You may gain some weight from your trip, but if you follow these tips you will be good as new in a few short days. Stressing about weight will only lead to weight gain. Enjoy the fun memories from your trip. If you feel like you’ve lost control or just feel crappy after all the eating you did, take a moment to reflect on it. Use this as a reminder for why you prioritize healthy choices over those that don’t benefit you. Like I said earlier, it’s ok to let loose on vacation - what you do afterwards is what matters!


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