Grain Free Beef Burritos


Being healthy doesn’t mean sacrificing the foods you love! You really can have your burrito and eat it too.

During the week I stay as close to a whole foods diet as possible (meaning minimal processed foods), but if I feel like a burrito there are tons of ways I can stay on track and enjoy what I want. For example, Siete Foods is an AMAZING brand that makes quality products using only clean ingredients.

I used their burrito sized almond tortillas and taco seasoning for my ground beef to create this beauty. I added cauliflower rice to fill it up along with lettuce, salsa, and avocado. I felt completely satisfied with this meal - indulging without the shitty feeling that follows.

Eating clean takes a little work and adjusting at first, but once you realize how amazing you feel it will instantly be worth it. Overtime you will learn what your body really needs and when to lean into cravings - they will happen a lot less too!

Here’s how you make it.


  • Siete almond burritos

  • Siete taco seasoning

  • 1lb grass fed ground beef

  • 1 small yellow onion diced

  • Salsa

  • Romaine lettuce chopped

  • Avocado

  • Cauliflower rice

  • Hot sauce


  • In a nonstick pan on medium heat brown the beef. Break it up with the edge of a wooden spoon. When it starts to become less pink add in the onion. Once cooked, add the taco seasoning and follow instructions on the packet. Set aside

  • Heat the tortillas directly on the stove flame or in a pan for 15 seconds each side. Assemble with all of the ingredients and fold - instructions are on back of the package. Heat a pan or cast iron skillet and place the folded side of the burrito into the pan to seal it. Flip to the other side, then enjoy!


Creamy Vegetables With Turkey


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